American gothic horror tabletop RPG set in the Thirteen Colonies of 1776.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Canvas Map UNLOCKED for $75+ pledges!
about 4 years ago
– Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 01:23:14 PM
Hello friends,
This is the first of two updates for today:
Do you like surprises? We sure hope so, because we’ve cooked one up for you:
You’ve expressed so much interest in our canvas maps over the past three weeks that we went and found a way to make things happen with our vendor.
To make it brief: Consider the Stretch Goal of 24” x 36” canvas maps unlocked early! All of our backers at the $75+ pledge level will now be receiving this map right alongside your other Stretch Goal items.
The map will roll up, fold, and bend without damage.
We hope this makes your Tuesday! It’s one small way we can express our appreciation of you all. Enjoy!
It's the Monday Round-up!
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 07:36:27 PM
Hello friends,
How are you this October morning? Here in the Midwest, we are actually watching snow fall as we type. Before Halloween! Unbelievable…
We’d like to take a minute to remind you of our Add-On options for your pledges:
Exclusive for our Kickstarter backers, we are offering substantial discounts on the Zweihander Revised Rulebook, the Zweihander Player’s Handbook, and the Main Gauche Supplement. Whether you’re looking for one or all of them, it’s a pretty sweet deal. They will come with limited edition bookmarks and will be shipped just in time for the 2020 holidays.
They have their own shipping charges (which will be collected in Backerkit w/ customs). We are also continuing our work to get further reduced international shipping rates:
· United States $10 + $5 each additional book ordered
· UK/EU: $25 + $10 each additional book ordered
· Canada: $30 + $10 each additional book ordered
Now on to our favorite part! We have a few more team members we’d like you to meet this week. Here are the first two:
Ethan Brown is an artist working in multiple mediums and a member of the Pamunkey Tribe, residing on the Reservation in Virginia. Ethan has completed commissions for The Big Ideas Company in London, England, the King William Historical Society, and Chesapeake National Parks, among others. Working at the Pamunkey Indian Museum, Ethan has provided countless consultations for projects and scripts involving Pamunkey history and culture.
Jennifer Ford-Rose is a freelance editor and proofreader. She has worked on several projects for Grim & Perilous Studios and Andrews McMeel Publishing. She is also a playtester and developer for the Radiator RPG podcast on Patreon. When she isn't sifting through words, Jennifer can be found streaming on her Twitch Affiliate channel, tossing around ideas related to games, playing board games, writing or doing artwork.
Friday, Friday, play FLAMES OF FREEDOM on Friday!
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 07:35:07 PM
Hello friends,
t’s been another terrific week for FLAMES OF FREEDOM! We are tickled to have been selected as a Kickstarter Project We Love. And your support continues to be so gratifying. We truly appreciate you all!
Have you gotten your own copy of the free Quickstart yet? Try it out! It’s a great way to become more familiar with the setting (2-3 hours playtime). Or check out a review on GnomeStew or Forbes first if you’d like to see what other people have to say about it…
Today’s development team members to meet are Kellin and Ronkwahrhakónha. Enjoy!
Kellin Slater is a Black and Native woman of Choctaw, Mvskoke, and Waccamaw descent. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Environmental Health and Epidemiology at Colorado State University. She holds a BS in Applied Physics from The Tandon School of Engineering at NYU and an MA in Science Writing from Johns Hopkins University. When not busy with school or research, Kellin can be found gardening, hiking, playing the harp, playing video games and board games, or screaming into the void.
Ronkwahrhakónha “Lune” Dube’s professional résumé includes everything from neopagan witchcraft and wilderness survival; to trauma-informed care and mental health issues; to archery, atlatl, and sword-fighting, so naturally he was drawn to the two careers that would allow him to explore all of those things: writing and education. As someone who’s worked with kids ages 4-17, Lune’s learned how to approach difficult topics with enthusiasm, understanding, and sensitivity. After all, none of us are born into this world knowing all possible life experiences, and he believes that truly great novels will challenge both the author and the reader to step outside of their comfort zone and learn something new. He loves reading works in progress, getting excited about well-crafted prose or offering suggestions and thoughts that may not have occurred to the author on that draft.
Raised Jewish but missing out on learning much of his father’s culture, Lune spent most of his young adulthood reconnecting with the indigenous community in Western New York. While his knowledge of native cultures centers mostly on his own Mohawk (and more broadly, Iroquois) community, he has been heavily involved with the indigenous community as a whole, and is eager to utilize his experience reconnecting to help educate people on historic and contemporary Native issues. Lune is a lover of stories and adventure of all sorts. He has a special place in his heart for young adult novels, but loves all kinds of speculative fiction stories, with a special preference for sci-fi, supernatural horror, and paranormal fiction.
Wednesday updates!
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 02:23:31 PM
Hello friends,
We really hope you are enjoying meeting our team members! Admittedly, there are lots of us, but we think that is exactly what has made FLAMES OF FREEDOM the thoughtful, sophisticated, and fun game that it is.
On this note, please allow us to talk about two of the numerous cultural consultants/development editors working on the game today - Tanya DePass and Adam DePaul:
Tanya DePass is the Founder and Director of I Need Diverse Games, a not-for-profit foundation based in Chicago. She’s a partnered variety broadcaster on Twitch. Additionally, she’s the producer & a founding cast member of Rivals of Waterdeep; an actual play Dungeons and Dragons show airing on Sundays at 10am Pacific. Creator of Into the Mother Lands, an original Sci Fi RPG, funded by Twitch & created by a team of POC developers & RPG pros, premiering on on October 4th, 2020. She’s contributed to publications at Green Ronin, Wizards of the Coast, Paizo and Monte Cook Games. Tanya is the programming & diversity coordinator for OrcaCon and GaymerX. She often speaks on issues of diversity, feminism, race, intersectionality & other topics at conventions. Her writing appears in Uncanny Magazine, Polygon, Vice Gaming, Mic, Waypoint, Wiscon Chronicles, Paste Games and other publications. She’s the editor of Game Devs and Others: Tales from the Margins (2018, CRC Press) and contributed to The Advanced Game Narrative Toolbox (2019, CRC Press).
Adam DePaul is a tribal council member and Storykeeper for the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania, where he also coordinates the Rising Nation River Journey and sits on the State Recognition and Scholarship committees. He holds a B.A. in Philosophy, English, and Psychology, an M.Ed. in Professional and Secondary English Education, and is currently completing his Ph.D. in Cultural and Mythological Studies, wherein he focuses on Lenape mythology. DePaul teaches college-level classes in Native American and Indigenous Studies, curates several exhibits concerning the past and present of the Lenape in Pennsylvania, provides lectures and presentations on the Lenape for colleges, interest groups, events, etc., and consults on television productions, novels, choral pieces, and other creative works in order to assure authenticity and accuracy in the portrayal of the Lenape.
Did you miss the Devil's Luck Gaming Actual Play? Check it out here:
Until next time!
Why level up your pledge from $50 to $75 or $85?
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 08:34:56 PM
Hello friends,
Happy Tuesday! Thanks to backers like you, we've unlocked our custom dice:
Let's talk about 'leveling up' your pledge.
I pulled together a quick infographic to show what sort of value you can immediately get your hands on by adjusting your pledge to $85 (or if any of our Early Bird pledges of $75+ are open):
Evenhigher value willbe unlocked as we unlock new Stretch Goals. If your pledge is at least $75+, it's all 100% free to you.